Would you be interested in assisting during the worship services? From greeters and ushers to communion assistants to assisting ministers, worship involves many people in order to proceed smoothly. Please prayerfully consider where you might assist. No experience is necessary, experienced servers will show you the ropes. Worship assistants choose the dates and services that work for their schedule and self-assign through the Sign-Up Genius website. If you'd like to serve, contact the church office. Altar Guild The Altar Guild prepares the altar and make sure the communion elements are set-up and ready for each service. Teams rotate each month to set up on Saturday mornings, assist during communion, and re-set the altar and elements for the next service. Communion Assistants As a Communion Assistant you help with the distribution of the elements during communion. Two assistants are needed at each service. Ushers Ushers unlock the doors, turn on the lights, distribute bulletins and announcement booklets, help members find seats, collect the offering, and take attendance. This is a great place for older youth to serve along side of a parent or other adult. Greeters Are you a “people person”? Greeters are needed before each service to welcome members and guests to LCGS, give directions and provide information. It is an easy but vitally important ministry to show hospitality to those joining us for worship! Lectors and Assisting Ministers The Lector reads the lessons from the pulpit at each service. Assisting Ministers read the prayers and assist the pastor during communion and other areas of the worship service. Prayers and lessons are emailed each week so you can prepare. Acolyte and Crucifer The Acolyte lights the candles on the altar, brings the offering forward, assists with communion and extinguishes the candles at the end of service. The Crucifer carries the cross and leads the procession into the sanctuary. The crucifer also assists with communion and leads the choir and Pastor during the recessional. |