YOUTH AT LCGS: Grade School Age
Children in Worship - We believe that it is important for families to worship together and so, children are welcomed in worship! But, we do understand that an hour can be a long time for them. Grade school age kids usually like to follow along with the service in the bulletin and help to look up the hymns in the hymnal. They enjoy coming to the children's message each week. Sharing the peace, helping pass the offering plate and, coming to communion are ways that grade schoolers can actively participate in worship. If you think they may need more to do, please visit the worship tools bar in the Narthex, where they can get a children's bulletin and fill a bag with items to encourage them to participate during worship at their age level. Don't worry if you need to step out of the sanctuary with your grade schooler from time to time. KIDS CONNECT - A fun time of learning about God's love and grace while building relationships! The Connect Hour runs Sundays from early Sept - mid June from 9:45 - 10:45 am. Your child can join a class at any time during the year, and there is no fee to attend. Kids Connect for Prek and Kindergarten age in Room 204 Kids Connect 1st through 6th grade in Room 206 Teens Connect Confirmation Cohort in Room 202 Teens Connect High School Cohort in the Youth Room (Room 205) Communion Instruction- Usually in the fall of second grade, children receive communion instruction at a Saturday Family Workshop led by Pastor along with members of the Altar Guild. Children learn about the sacrament, make their own communion bread, tour the Sacristy where communion elements are prepared for worship and make banners to celebrate the occasion of their first communion. Older students who are not yet communing are welcome to participate. Vacation Bible School (VBS) - offered for children who have completed preschool 3's through grade six for a week in the summer, usually in late June. VBS is held Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:15. Registration takes place in early spring, and there is a nominal fee for VBS to help offset the cost of the program materials. |