YOUTH AT LCGS: Middle School Age
Serving in Worship - Middle School youth are encouraged to begin serving during worship. (if they haven't already) They may choose to serve as acolytes and crucifers who carry the cross and lead the procession, light the altar candles, and assist with the offering. Middle School students may also like serving as part of an usher or Altar team, communion assistant, lector or greeter. We encourage you to explore the various roles to find what suits your middle schooler. For more information on what is involved in these roles, please contact the church office or see the descriptions on the home page. KIDS CONNECT - A fun time of learning about God's love and grace while building relationships! The Connect Hour runs Sundays from early Sept - mid June from 9:45 - 10:45 am. Your child can join a class at any time during the year, and there is no fee to attend. Kids Connect for Prek and Kindergarten age in Room 204 Kids Connect 1st through 6th grade in Room 206 Teens Connect Confirmation Cohort in Room 202 Teens Connect High School Cohort in the Youth Room (Room 205) Confirmation Instruction - Youth in seventh grade (or older) may participate in confirmation instruction during the Sunday School hour. Our confirmation instruction is a two-year program utilizing the Curriculum, Colaborate from Sparkhouse. Colaborate digs deep into Old Testament and Lutheran Living (Justification by Faith, Law and Gospel, Grace, the Cross, etc.) for the first year and New Testament and Lutheran History and Catechism (like Baptism, the Lord’s Prayer, the 10 Commandments, etc.) for the second year. Following instruction, youth affirm their baptism during worship. While some believe confirmation to be a "graduation", it is anything but! Faith formation is a life-long process. Confirmed youth are full members of the congregation, eligible to serve on ministry teams or church council and to vote in congregational meetings. Youth Group - is for youth in sixth through twelfth grades . The Youth Group believes it offers something youth cannot get anywhere else: that rare blend of spiritual, social and service opportunities in a safe environment where everyone is welcome just as they are! The Youth Group has been spotted taking trips, going camping, watching movies, serving at the Sharing Table, Christmas caroling, playing the most wacky games and generally having fun together. There is no formal "joining" of youth group and all youth are welcome to attend whenever they are able! Youth group meets the first and third Sunday of the month at 12:15 in the Youth Room (Room 205). Retreat - Our synod-sponsored retreat for Middle School and High School occurs in November. The weekend includes small group studies, large group activities, high-energy worship and lots of fun! Retreats are a great way for youth to connect with others who share their faith and begin to recognize their part in the larger church. Vacation Bible School - Middle school youth can serve as volunteers for Vacation Bible School, held for one week in the summer, typically in late June. Youth serve as leaders in all areas including small groups, crafts, snack volunteers, and music, science and games and story telling. Registration is in the spring. Service hours are available for volunteers who need them. Youth Sunday - one Sunday a year, the youth take over planning and leading the worship service. You can believe it is nothing like you've ever experienced before! Planning begins with the youth choosing a scripture lesson and theme and then developing teams to plan out each part of the service. The teams handle everything from choosing the texts to creating a sermon, crafting a children's message, writing the prayers, providing music and serving as ushers and communion assistants. It is always a touching and high-energy experience! |